2025 Adult Entry Closes 16 May 5pm Non refundable Entry fee (per artwork): $35. Finalists are selected from entry submissions. Finalists will be announced on 26 May. Only finalists need to deliver their artwork. "*" indicates required fields 1Artist Details2Artwork Details3Artwork Delivery4Return Freight5Bank Details6Agreement7Payment Artist DetailsThis field is hidden when viewing the formCurrent YearFirst Name*Last Name*Email* Phone*Address* Address Suburb State NTACTNSWQLDVICWASATAS Postcode Artwork DetailsArtist BiographyIf you would like, your Artist Biography can be shown on the website gallery IF you are selected as a finalist. Please detail your biography below (max 100 words). If you do not wish to include an artist biography, leave this area blank.Artwork Title Category Medium Price Actions Edit Delete There are no Artworks. Add Artwork Maximum number of artworks reached. Artwork DeliveryDelivery Method* I am delivering artwork in person I am freighting my artwork to The Doyles Please hand deliver to: Firth Park Community Centre Somerset Drive Mudgeeraba QLD 4213 Delivery Dates and Times: Sunday, 29 June 2025 - 2.30pm to 6pm Monday, 30 June 2025 - 2pm to 6pmPlease address to:The Doyles Art Awards TBC. Artwork must be delivered by no later than 27 June 2025. Artwork ReturnThe Doyles Art Award are offering an easy return freight service. For an affordable fee of $40, we will pack and freight your work to you using our chosen carrier. If you would prefer to organise your own return freight, please complete details below.Return Freight Method* I would like my artwork returned by The Doyles for a shipping and handling fee of $40. I am organising my own return freight. I am collecting in person, or having someone collect for me in person. This fee will be added to your entry free. Should your artwork sell, and you no longer require return freight, we will reimburse the $40 with your earnings. Excessively heavy artworks will be exempt from return freight fee and return freight will be quoted accordingly.Please indicate your freight courier* PackNSend TNT Aramex CouriersPlease DHL FedEx IAS *We do not accept Australia Post for return freight arrangements. DO NOT INCLUDE STAMPS. Please include your PREPAID VOUCHER and clear return freight instructions with your artwork. Sales PaymentAll sales attract a 35% commission fee as per our Terms and Conditions. These details are important for remittance of sales monies.Method of Payment* Bank Account Paypal Contact me in the event of a sale Name of accountBSBAccount numberPaypal Email Address or Phone NumberTax Status*Note: These options apply to the sale of your artwork only and do not affect your entry. I declare I am a hobbyist and tax exempt I have an ABN and am registered for GST I have an ABN and are not registered for GST ABN AgreementAgreement* I understand that these details supplied by me are final and cannot be altered after submission. I understand that my contact details will be used to communicate with me about the award. I understand The Doyles takes all care but no responsibility for loss or damage in transit, or at the exhibition and I have insured my artwork appropriately. I understand that I can submit a maximum of TWO artworks to The Doyles for ADULT categories. Terms and Conditions* Artists can enter a maximum of two artworks. Entries open to artists residing in Australia only. Entry via our online entry form must be received by 17 May 2025 by 5.00pm. NO LATE ENTRIES ARE ACCEPTED. Adult section is for persons 18 years and over. Non Refundable Entry Fee is $35 per artwork. The Organiser will conduct a pre-selection process. Finalists will be published on The Doyles website. All artworks entered are to be listed for sale at the exhibition and the online gallery. If you do not wish to sell your work, we respectfully suggest not entering this award. A 35% commission will be charged on all sales. Where an entrant is represented by a gallery, it is the entrant’s responsibility to notify their gallery of participation in this prize. The entrant acknowledges that any commissioning arrangement they have with their gallery is separate from the commission retained by The Doyles Art Award. Any onward payment to the gallery will be the responsibility of the artist. All entries must be accompanied by a photograph of the artwork(s). This photograph will be used for pre-selection process and for online representation of the artwork if it is a finalist. Please ensure it is of suitable quality. If the photograph supplied is significantly different to the supplied artwork, the entry will be disqualified. The event organiser reserves the right to hang the artwork as it sees fit, including not hanging or rotating artwork. After entry submission, the entry details provided by you will be used for the exhibition tag and online listing. Details will not be edited by the organiser nor can they be resubmitted. A receipt with your submission details will be emailed to you directly after your entry has been submitted. Details supplied with your entry will be used to contact you now and in the future, unless you inform us by email (info@thedoylesaward.com.au) not to do so. Artwork must be original two dimensional paintings or drawings in any traditional medium (no digital work). Artwork(s) must not breach any copyright – this includes copies of professional artist’s work done in workshop settings. (No Giclée prints). The perimeter measurement of artwork is to be less than or equal to 450cm – i.e. measure side 1 + side 2 + side 3 + side 4. If your total is greater than 450cm, it is too large. (If it is framed, please measure the outside edges of the frame.) Artwork must have been completed within the last 12 months and must not have won a prize or be a finalist in any competition. Artists must not offer their exhibited piece for sale on any other platform during the Doyles. (eg Blue Thumb, Art Lovers, or private social pages.) Artwork must be framed and ready for hanging with cord or wire. Stretched canvas is considered framed if it strung. Artwork not meeting this criteria will not be accepted. The Hanging Manager reserves the right to refuse to hang work deemed unsuitable or unsafe. Artwork must be clearly labelled on the back with Title, Artist’s Name, Category and Contact Number. Proceeds from sales will be settled within two weeks after clearance of payments or exhibition closure, whichever is the latter. Artwork not received on drop-off day, or before the freighted entry deadline, will be disqualified. Under no circumstances will wet paintings be accepted. This includes any area of the painting small or large, on the back, front or sides. The organisers reserve the right to refuse inappropriate material. The Judges decision is final. People’s Choice is decided by votes at the event. All artworks are to remain in place for the duration of the exhibition. The artist agrees to allow the organisers to have non-exclusive rights to use images of artwork for promotional purposes. Unsold work is to be collected by the artist or a representative of the artist on the specified days/times unless return freighting arrangement has been specified on entry form. If you are freighting your work in to The Doyles, you have the option to utilise our return freight system. This means we will return your artwork at the conclusion of the exhibition using the details and fee you supplied with your entry form. (Excessively heavy items will be exempt from our return freight fee arrangement. These items will be quoted and payment requested separately.) Freighted artwork will be returned in the packaging it arrived in wherever possible. Expenses in conjunction with transit of artworks will be at the expense of the owner of the artwork (artist or guardian). The entrant acknowledges, undertakes, warrants and agrees that, by submitting an entry to the Doyles Art Award, the Doyles Art Award (and its directors, servants, agents, contractors and volunteers) and the owner and/or operator of any venue in which the exhibition is conducted (and its directors, servants, agents, contractors and volunteers) shall be not be liable for any loss or damage to any entry, including (without limitation) during transit, installation, exhibition and/or deinstallation. The entrant acknowledges, undertakes, warrants and agrees that they shall remain solely liable and responsible for any loss or damage to any entry submitted to the Doyles Art Award and hereby releases the Doyles Art Award and the owners and/or operators of any venue in which the exhibition is conducted (including their respective directors, servants, agents, contractors and volunteers) from, and indemnifies them in respect of, any and all costs, expenses, claims or liability in any way arising out of any loss or damage to an entry or the submission or acceptance of the entry into the exhibition. The entrant acknowledges that both the Doyles Art Award and the owner and/or operator of any venue in which the exhibition is conducted (and their respective directors, servants, agents, contractors and volunteers) are relying upon the entrant’s releases, indemnities, undertakings and warranties herein in agreeing to accept the entry and in agreeing to facilitate the exhibition in the venue. The Doyles Art Award recommends that all entrants arrange their own insurance for entries to the exhibition covering all potential losses, including accidental damage and theft. No responsibility is taken for uncollected artworks. Uncollected artworks will be deemed abandoned goods and disposed of accordingly. I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of The Doyles Art Award PaymentThis field is hidden when viewing the formCount ArtworksEntry Fee Quantity Price: $ 35.00 Quantity This field is hidden when viewing the formTotal Entry FeesReturn Freight Quantity Price: $ 40.00 Quantity This field is hidden when viewing the formTotal Freight FeesTotal Fees Credit Card*